I Push Up Daisies

by Louie Gonzalez

Location: San Fernando Valley, California

When Louie was seven years old, his father passed away from a brain aneurysm.  Music has given him the strength to continue on through life's challenges.  He now attends LA Music Academy in pursuit of becoming a professional musician.  


Basically, I was young
I thought that everything would last
But then people all around me
They all started to pass

We'll meet again
We'll meet again
my hope will last

I woke up with a dream
I woke up to a nightmare
Everyone's saying that I can't do it
I don't even know why

My dreams won't end
My dreams won't end
It will last

We'll go far
We'll get there
My hope will last 
And when I push up daisies
My hope will last
