Survivors’ Truths Liberia takes an innovative approach to building peace and promoting reconciliation by using technical innovation to support locally-led processes of conflict resolution.
Every culture has traditions for resolving differences and making plans for communities. These approaches are naturally more familiar, accessible, and quickly implemented by local people than imported interventions. Liberian culture has many strong traditions that are contributing to locally-led peace but these efforts are not always visible or well understood by donor countries who are investing in Liberia's long-term stability.
Based in the knowledge of story's power to heal and connect, Survivors’ Truths Liberia helps Liberians push locally-relevant peace and reconciliation forward by connecting their knowledge and traditions with technological resources.
We have already produced a powerful photo exhibit and book that have been shared around the world. In addition, we helped to broadcast compelling radio messages before and during Liberia's 2011 election. In 2013, Survivors' Truths Liberia was formally registered with the Liberian government to enhance our ability to collaborate with others working to build Liberian 'peace from within."
Help cultivate sustainable peace in Liberia by donating today! Your generosity helps bring Liberian voices together, thereby paving a path toward forgiveness and real reconciliation. Your donation will save lives by helping to prevent a recurrence of rampant violence.